Brighter Days Ahead

The Danish Government published their plan for the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine two days ago. According to the schedule all who wants should have received their final vaccine by the end of June 2021. This came as a positive surprise for both of us, as we had honestly expected it to take much longer. Maybe, just maybe, if a million and one things fall into place, we will all be allowed to move more freely come July.

I realise we might look back on this post in a couple of months (weeks?, days?) and shake our heads at the naïveté of the plan and the feeling of hope it brings. But as I have previously said, my intention was for this blog to be like a digital travel journal and journals do not have the luxury of hindsight. Entries must be viewed in the light they were written and right now, at this moment, that light seems to shine just a little bit brighter.

Today we went for the first long walk of 2021. I stuffed some books in my backpack and we took the detour to my parents’ house. 14.8 km in roughly 3 hours (Jonas likes to count). It’s not speed walking but that was never the point. We’re moving forward and longer days lie ahead. In the meantime a new blister on my right foot will remind me to stay humble.

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