Day 21: It’s Better to Stay in Bed than to go Shoe Shopping in the Rain

Steps: 14.865 (10,9km)

Temples: None

“It’s better to burn out than to fade away“ reads the faded 90’s neon sign above our table in the small izakaya where we have settled for dinner. By the counter, our waitress is lighting a joint, puffing smoke over the counter and into the kitchen. I sip my drink, closing my eyes and wishing I was in bed – more accurately, wishing I’d spent the whole day there, instead of venturing out into the rain at all.

But we found Jonas some new shoes. Waterproof ones even, which I’ll be very jealous off in T minus 48 hours according to the weather report.

It’s a big decision, deciding on a home for your feet for the next 1000km. Which meant going to a few different stores, trying some food here and there and all of a sudden having spent most of the day out of instead of in bed.

Well, there will be no more of that nonsense. I’m heading in…

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