Day 33: Jonasさんお誕生日おめでとう!

Steps: 12.038 (8,7km)

Temples: None

Jonas is 44 today! (pretty poetic timing, given we are now halfway to temple 88)

As planned we spent the whole day resting up in Sukumo, moving as little as possible.

I love planning fun things to do for Jonas’ birthday and since I had already gotten him his present yesterday, today was all about finding good places to eat and relaxing with the massages we had already pre-booked yesterday 💆‍♀️

A quick google search this morning led me to find an amazing bakery for breakfast, a fancy restaurant where we got some of the best beef in the world for lunch and a cake shop where we got strawberry pies for dessert.

We arrived as the first ones to the restaurant in our hiking clothes, and didn’t really know what to expect. It turns out we were definitely underdressed, but telling people you are おへんろ (pilgrims) allows you certain liberties in that department.

When we got outside on the parking lot again after a fantastic meal, we found out what kind of clientele normally frequents the place …

Different modes of transportation

But honestly, we paid less for two full meals of premium wagyu beef, sides, dessert and sparkling wine than we normally do when we’re out eating ramen back home ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tomorrow morning we a climbing over the prefectural border from Kochi and into Ehime. This means we are entering the third stage of the pilgrimage said to represent spiritual enlightenment. Not a bad way to start a new month 😊

One Reply to “Day 33: Jonasさんお誕生日おめでとう!”

  1. Looks like a very special 44. Birthday, Jonas.
    Ønsker jer en fortsat fantastisk tur.❤️
    I morgen kører vi en tur til Ålborg for at høre deres bigband, når Jørgen har været til skovfitnisse og jeg har talt spansk med Lucianna.
    Kærlige knus fra os i Stavtrup🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

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