Day 4: Learning to Walk and Other Lessons

Steps: 30.303 (24,2 km)

Temples: 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8

Day four ironically started off with us not being able to find temple 4. Luckily our host had suggested we leave our backpacks and pick them back up when we came back to temple 5. As we passed by an old lady walking slowly up the … Read more

Day 3: Back to Shikoku

Steps: 18.979 ( 15,3 km)

Temples: 1 + 2 + 3

A lovely 10 hour nap later we woke up to another day of blue skies in Osaka. After wandering around for an hour in the enormous Osaka station we finally managed to find a bus headed to Naruto-Nishi which is less than one km from temple 1.

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Day 1+2: Away We Go

Steps day 1: 9494 (7,5km)

Steps day 2: 6461 (4,7km)

Happy, nervous, tired, excited and all the other feels …

Hardly slept between the 28th and the 1st. No point really since we had to be up and going by 2am. So spent the evening alternating between packing, snacking and slumbering, until it was finally time to put on our … Read more

Gearing Up for Shikoku: My Altra Lone Peak Shoes

Welcome to this little series I have decided to call ‘Gearing Up for Shikoku’. In these posts I will write about some of the gear we are testing out in preparation for our trip.

Hiking shoes are a religion. Websites like “Outdoor Gear Lab”, “Gear Junkie”, “Switchback Travel” as well as countless Youtube channels dedicated to the quest of finding … Read more

30 going on 88

A snapshot in time: We’re nearing the end of 2021, but not, as it seems, the end of March 2020. Omikron is raging havoc on both a global and local scale, and as much as I felt sorry for the people having to postpone special celebrations during the initial lockdown almost two years (two years!) ago I am … Read more

The Streak Society and a Missed Departure

This end of August marks the time for our originally planned departure for Japan. While many choose to do the pilgrimage in spring, enjoying Japan’s spectacular cherry blossoms, we planned instead for a (supposedly) less crowded fall foliage experience. A late-August/early-September departure would have meant starting just as the hurricane season came to an end. Similarly, we hoped that the … Read more

Japan’s Tattoo Taboo

For many years now I have been considering getting a small tattoo on my arm. I would like it to signify something of importance, and so one of my initial thoughts was to get a tattoo to commemorate our pilgrimage after we got home. However, since the trip has now been postponed at least six months and probably also a … Read more