
This is a living library of the ressources that we have found useful in preparation for the trip. Last updated 14/4 – 2021



  • Walking my life” is a great ressource for all things Shikoku-related. The writer has walked the pilgrimage twice and shares personal anecdotes combined with useful information on places to sleep, henro formalia etc. Sadly, much of the content is a little out-dated as the website was last updated in 2015.
  • The ghost blog “The Goat that Wrote” have 9 posts from 2015 describing the author’s pilgrimage on Shikoku. Read them here: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine
  • I used this site to look up the translation for the sign on our header image. It appears to mean “end” or “close”?.


  • I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Danish television host and media persona, Mikael Bertelsen, and his wonderful show “Bertelsen på Shikoku 88” which aired on Danish TV in 2017. You can watch all ten episodes here (Danish)