Day 30: Backwards, Blisters and Birthday Presents

Steps: 38.651 (31,1km)

Temples: 38

There is no one right way to do the Shikoku pilgrimage. Some walk, some cycle, some take buses or trains. Others drive or are driven around in busses or taxis.

For some it takes 45 days. For others, 45 years or a lifetime.

Most visit the temples in ascending order, from number 1 to 88. … Read more

30 going on 88

A snapshot in time: We’re nearing the end of 2021, but not, as it seems, the end of March 2020. Omikron is raging havoc on both a global and local scale, and as much as I felt sorry for the people having to postpone special celebrations during the initial lockdown almost two years (two years!) ago I am … Read more