Day 63: Clear Skies and Filthy Carpets

Steps: 28.469 (26,8km)

Temples: 52 + 53

Beautiful sunny day today, where we walked north out of Matsuyama towards temples 52.

On our way onwards towards temple 53, we had just started looking around for places to eat, when a man waved us over. Turns out the local … Read more

Day 9: Hanami Heaven in Doll City

Steps: 20.518 (17,5km)

Temples: 19

They say you can’t buy happiness but this morning at temple 19 we decided to try anyway. Most temples sell an assortment of little charms and when we found some paper knots that promised happiness for the small price of only 200¥ we couldn’t resist.

It seemed to work because so far we have had … Read more