Day 53: Train Magic, Ramen and a Minor Panic Attack

Steps: 15.058 / 35.758 (12,3km/30ish km?)

Temples: 83

“Train magic “ is a term Jonas has come up with for those times when we use public transportation to fix logistics around sleeping and/or luggage storage.

When the trail follows the train tracks, it’s sometimes nice to book a few nights in a row near a station, and then use the … Read more

Day 49: Entering Nirvana

Steps: 33.995 (26,3km)

Temples: 66 + 67

At 950 meters above sea level, temple 66 is the highest located of all the 88 temples on the pilgrimage.

Luckily, our wonderful inn-keeper had volunteered to drive us back to the trail head, which we passed by yesterday, saving us from 9 kilometers of backtracking.

Off to a good start thanks to
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Day 48: An Eighty Year Old Idol

Steps: 37.228 (32,4km)

Temples: 65

With a little help from google-sensei we found our way across (or more accurately below) the interstate this morning and back to the trail. First part of the day was a climb to temple 65, which lies roughly 300 meters above sea level.

On the way back down the mountain we met Koichi-san, … Read more

Day 47: Just Keep Swimming

Steps: 40.010 (35,1km)

Temples: 12 (one of the “extra” temples)

Today was an easy day in the sense that pretty much all we had to do was put one foot in front of the other and walk straight ahead along an even road.

However, our feet and legs felt heavy and by the time we arrived at our hotel by … Read more

Day 46: A Smile However Forced

Steps: 31.051 (28,6km)

Temples: 62 + 63 + 64

Preparing ourselves for a whole day of walking in the rain, we set out the door with the words “The more annoying you find it, the more you have to smile”.

The more we do this, the more I realize how important your mindset is – especially when it rains. A … Read more

Day 45: Small Gods

Steps: 35.743 (29,0km)

Temples: 60 + 61

Right before coming here, Jonas read a book called Small Gods (one of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett) wherein it is explained that the minor deities (or “small gods”) loose their power, if people stop believing in them.

So naturally, whenever we walk by a small, seemingly forgotten deity deep in the … Read more

Day 44: Nice Models and Stubborn Dirt

Steps: 25.273 (21,5km)

Temples: 56 + 57 + 58 + 59

It’s been a while since we have seen this many temples in one day. Starting out at Imabari station, temples 56-59 lay equidistant over a 15 kilometer stretch.

58 is a little higher up than the others and was a joy to visit (I always like the … Read more