Day 42: A Fork in the Road

Steps: 34.982 (28,0km)

Temples: 44 + 45

Today we had breakfast at temple 44. It was early so we had the place to ourselves as we puttered around and lit the first incense sticks of the day.

The temple and its surroundings are impressive. In the main gate hangs the biggest pair of straw sandals you ever saw (which are … Read more

Day 40: Under Pressure

Steps: 28.668 (25,7km)

Temples: None

We got a late start this morning as we wanted to have breakfast with our new friends from yesterday, before they hopped on a train to Matsuyama. This also meant that we could buy provisions in some of the bigger stores that didn’t open until 9am (since we’re heading into the mountains, we won’t come … Read more

Day 39: Earplugs and Ankle Pain

Steps: 46.289 (38,4km)

Temples: 8 (one of the “extra” temples)

So I had a little cry when I bumped by head into the headboard of a henrō hut this morning – not because it hurt that much, but because my foot keeps hurting and the head thing was just the drop that made the proverbial cup run over.

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Day 38: A Three-Kinds-of-Pasta-for-Dinner Day

Steps: 36.691 (29,7km)

Temples: 41 + 42 + 43

As any experienced hiker will tell you, walking for extended periods of time alters your bodies relationship to food. Food is no longer just pleasure, calories become a necessity and almost no matter how many of them you consume, it won’t be enough to cover your expenditure.

Jonas is down to … Read more

Day 37: Pilgrims Bathe for Free

Steps: close to zero

Temples: None

We are not a on a tight budget for this trip and most days we’re not even close to reaching our daily spending’s limit.

The only times we get close, are rainy days like today, when we are staying put in a big city with eight extra hours on hand and nothing to do … Read more

Day 36: Parks, Pearls and Pizza in Bed

Steps: 27.272 (21,2km)

Temples: None

We didn’t have long to walk today, but decided to get going early anyway, since the rain was set to start around noon.

We made it to Uwajima without much hassle and went straight to Tenshaen garden, which has been designated by the government as one of the most beautiful places in Japan.

The garden … Read more

Day 35: Life is Goat

Steps: 35.162 (27,2km)

Temples: None

Just a quick picture update for today – a day consisting of walking 10k, grabbing a quick breakfast at a convenience store, climbing 500m of elevation (in less than an hour 💪), snapping a few shots at the top and tumblin’ back down again …

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Day 34: The Knowing Smile and the Forest Guardian

Steps: 27.478 (23,4km)

Temples: 40

This morning, cheered on by signs made by children in the local community, we climbed the 300m elevation separating Kochi from Ehime.

Once at the top, we had a quick breakfast with a last view of Kochi, before heading back down on the other side of the mountain.

Ehime is the … Read more