Day 23: Early Bird Gets the Rain

Steps: 28.387 (26,4km)

Temples: 34 + 35

We slept in today, enjoyed the breakfast buffet and dragged our feet just enough that by the time we finally got back to temple 33 to start todays walk, the rain had almost entirely stopped (the previous two hours had seen a downpour of more than 20mm).

Sometimes sleeping in really does pay … Read more

Day 22: A Ferry, a Bus and no Backpack

Steps: 27.599 (25,0km)

Temples: 31 + 32 + 33

Today we did a little loop south of the Kochi to temples 31-33, and then took a bus back to the city. Tomorrow we can then take a bus back to temple 33 and continue from there.

Because we had booked an extra night, we were able to leave our backpacks … Read more

Day 20: Wear and Tear

Steps: 32.238 (28,6km)

Temples: 29 + 30

Things are starting to break. Our shoes, our egos, our will to live (I’m kidding!). But it is kind of funny how every predefined epoch of this trip seems to happen right on schedule.

Today we reached Kochi (the city) and we.are.knackered. Just like we were supposed to be at this point. It’s … Read more

Day 19: Cream Soda Saves the Day

Steps: 34.296 (34,9km)

Temples: 28

“Today we woke up feeling tired and then proceeded to walk a fuck-ton of kilometers to get to temple 28” could be the description for many of our days here. But today it will have to suffice. I need to put my feet into a tub of warm water now…

Here are some pictures:

Last … Read more

Day 18: Spiritual Checkpoint

Steps: 36.223 (31,8km)

Temples: 27

Today was supposed to be a short one – 15 easy kilometers along the coast from Nahari to Aki. That is until I realized a couple days ago that I’d missed a 12km, 500m elevation detour up to temple 27 – whoops innit?

Life Experience School – pretty sure this trip is it

So, another … Read more

Day 17: Wet Marshmallows

Steps: 30.317 (22,5km)

Temples: 26

Today started with an easy one kilometer hike up to temple 26, where we lit a candle and some incense for Jonas’ grandma, who’s currently in the hospital back home.

Once back down on the other side, we decided to eat our breakfast bentos before the rain set in. My appetite still low, I have … Read more

Day 16: Moving Slowly through Muroto

Steps: 18.554 (16,0km)

Temples: 24 + 25

This morning we walked (very slowly) up to temple 24 on top of Muroto cape. Then back down the other side, where we visited temple 25, before entering Muroto proper.

The remainder of the day was spent dragging around Muroto city, which is very small but felt like a … Read more

Day 15: Gorogoro-ishi

Steps: 44.069 (41,6km)

Temples: None (but we’re getting close now!)

The 11km Gorogoro-ishi (“rumbling rocks”) section of the pilgrimage runs from the None River outlet down to Bukkai-an and is known for its remoteness and lack of access to food and shelter (and vending machines). In the old days, before there were roads, pilgrims used to walk along the slippery … Read more

Day 14: Not Surfing in Surfer’s Paradise

Steps: As few as possible

Temples: None

Nothing much to report today really. After a feverish night spent at a pretty dingy hostel, I woke up feeling much better, but still not great.

We checked out at 10.00 and spent a few hours on Ikumi beach – which is a world-renowned surf spot – watching the surfers rolling around in … Read more