Day 59: The Final Mountain Stretch

Steps: 34,579 (32,6km)

Temples: 80 + 81 + 82

Alarm was set for 5am this morning- we had a train to catch at 6.10. Despite the ungodly hour, we still woke up a few minutes before the alarm – it appears our inner clocks are starting to get attuned to the rhythm of the sun.

Bandō station bathed in early
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Day 42: A Fork in the Road

Steps: 34.982 (28,0km)

Temples: 44 + 45

Today we had breakfast at temple 44. It was early so we had the place to ourselves as we puttered around and lit the first incense sticks of the day.

The temple and its surroundings are impressive. In the main gate hangs the biggest pair of straw sandals you ever saw (which are … Read more