Day 5: Down into the River Valley

Steps: 34.107 (29,3km)

Temples: 9 + 10 + 11

Today we started to realize why we haven’t seen that many other henrō on the road so far – we have simply been sleeping in too late 😅 But when we got up at 6.30 today and headed out the door around 8 (as the last ones, mind you) we spent … Read more

Day 3: Back to Shikoku

Steps: 18.979 ( 15,3 km)

Temples: 1 + 2 + 3

A lovely 10 hour nap later we woke up to another day of blue skies in Osaka. After wandering around for an hour in the enormous Osaka station we finally managed to find a bus headed to Naruto-Nishi which is less than one km from temple 1.

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