Day 59: The Final Mountain Stretch

Steps: 34,579 (32,6km)

Temples: 80 + 81 + 82

Alarm was set for 5am this morning- we had a train to catch at 6.10. Despite the ungodly hour, we still woke up a few minutes before the alarm – it appears our inner clocks are starting to get attuned to the rhythm of the sun.

Bandō station bathed in early
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Day 15: Gorogoro-ishi

Steps: 44.069 (41,6km)

Temples: None (but we’re getting close now!)

The 11km Gorogoro-ishi (“rumbling rocks”) section of the pilgrimage runs from the None River outlet down to Bukkai-an and is known for its remoteness and lack of access to food and shelter (and vending machines). In the old days, before there were roads, pilgrims used to walk along the slippery … Read more