Day 45: Small Gods

Steps: 35.743 (29,0km)

Temples: 60 + 61

Right before coming here, Jonas read a book called Small Gods (one of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett) wherein it is explained that the minor deities (or “small gods”) loose their power, if people stop believing in them.

So naturally, whenever we walk by a small, seemingly forgotten deity deep in the … Read more

Day 8: Kōbō Daishi was a Feminist

Steps: 22.454 (18,5km)

Temples: 18

Today was a slow one. Mentally, physically we needed to chill so we spent most of the morning in Tokushima Central Park (where we saw a one-of-the-longest-of-its-kind-stone-slab-bridge!) before slowly venturing south along the highway towards temple 18.

Our feet were tired after two long days of walking so the pace was slower than usual, with … Read more