Day 49: Entering Nirvana

Steps: 33.995 (26,3km)

Temples: 66 + 67

At 950 meters above sea level, temple 66 is the highest located of all the 88 temples on the pilgrimage.

Luckily, our wonderful inn-keeper had volunteered to drive us back to the trail head, which we passed by yesterday, saving us from 9 kilometers of backtracking.

Off to a good start thanks to
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Day 37: Pilgrims Bathe for Free

Steps: close to zero

Temples: None

We are not a on a tight budget for this trip and most days we’re not even close to reaching our daily spending’s limit.

The only times we get close, are rainy days like today, when we are staying put in a big city with eight extra hours on hand and nothing to do … Read more

Day 4: Learning to Walk and Other Lessons

Steps: 30.303 (24,2 km)

Temples: 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8

Day four ironically started off with us not being able to find temple 4. Luckily our host had suggested we leave our backpacks and pick them back up when we came back to temple 5. As we passed by an old lady walking slowly up the … Read more