Day 65: Towards the 88th Temple

Steps: 30.848 (26,8km)

Temples: 54 + 55

Today we started off at Iyo-Kameoka by the sea where we left off yesterday. We had only a small portion of the official route left, and so we took our time and made plenty of small stops along the way.

When we walked by a small shop I couldn’t help but notice the … Read more

Day 54: Bed Rest

Steps: practically zero

Temples: None

This will probably be one of the shortest updates on here. Since arriving at our hotel yesterday afternoon, we have left it exactly three times to go to the same ramen place 100 meters down the street.

Other than that I ordered mandatory bed rest for Jonas … Read more

Day 25: Karma and Comfort Food

Steps: 27.434 (25,8km)

Temples: None

One of my favorite things about Buddhism is the law of karma, which states that everything you put out into the universe, be it good or bad, will come back to you. Some also call it “the law of attraction” or say things like “You reap what you sow”, “where attention goes, energy flows”, “be … Read more