Day 58: Coming Full Circle

Steps: 31.239 (27,2km)

Temples: 3 + 2 + 1

Today’s walk took us over the last prefectural border crossing of the pilgrimage. Osaka pass crosses from Kagawa and back into Tokushima, and is one of the most pleasant mountain trails we have walked – wide, well kept and with a slow and steady elevation throughout.

It didn’t hurt … Read more

Day 57: Naps and Needles

Steps: 31.194 (28,0km)

Temples: None

We left our hotel in the mountains relatively late this morning (~8.30am) because we wanted to wait out the last of the rain.

We had only made it a few hundred meters down the road before we were stopped by a group of older people, who had just parked their car to go visit the … Read more

Day 9: Hanami Heaven in Doll City

Steps: 20.518 (17,5km)

Temples: 19

They say you can’t buy happiness but this morning at temple 19 we decided to try anyway. Most temples sell an assortment of little charms and when we found some paper knots that promised happiness for the small price of only 200¥ we couldn’t resist.

It seemed to work because so far we have had … Read more