Day 47: Just Keep Swimming

Steps: 40.010 (35,1km)

Temples: 12 (one of the “extra” temples)

Today was an easy day in the sense that pretty much all we had to do was put one foot in front of the other and walk straight ahead along an even road.

However, our feet and legs felt heavy and by the time we arrived at our hotel by … Read more

Day 23: Early Bird Gets the Rain

Steps: 28.387 (26,4km)

Temples: 34 + 35

We slept in today, enjoyed the breakfast buffet and dragged our feet just enough that by the time we finally got back to temple 33 to start todays walk, the rain had almost entirely stopped (the previous two hours had seen a downpour of more than 20mm).

Sometimes sleeping in really does pay … Read more

Day 20: Wear and Tear

Steps: 32.238 (28,6km)

Temples: 29 + 30

Things are starting to break. Our shoes, our egos, our will to live (I’m kidding!). But it is kind of funny how every predefined epoch of this trip seems to happen right on schedule.

Today we reached Kochi (the city) and we.are.knackered. Just like we were supposed to be at this point. It’s … Read more

Day 5: Down into the River Valley

Steps: 34.107 (29,3km)

Temples: 9 + 10 + 11

Today we started to realize why we haven’t seen that many other henrō on the road so far – we have simply been sleeping in too late 😅 But when we got up at 6.30 today and headed out the door around 8 (as the last ones, mind you) we spent … Read more