Day 55: Towards Temple 87

Steps: 32.270 (22,2km) (+7,5)

Temples: 84 + 85 + 86 + 87

Temple fatigue is a real thing y’all and at some point I think every pilgrim starts to feel like the temples all kind of blend together and start to look alike.

But then there are days like today when you get to temples that really stand … Read more

Day 44: Nice Models and Stubborn Dirt

Steps: 25.273 (21,5km)

Temples: 56 + 57 + 58 + 59

It’s been a while since we have seen this many temples in one day. Starting out at Imabari station, temples 56-59 lay equidistant over a 15 kilometer stretch.

58 is a little higher up than the others and was a joy to visit (I always like the … Read more