Day 59: The Final Mountain Stretch

Steps: 34,579 (32,6km)

Temples: 80 + 81 + 82

Alarm was set for 5am this morning- we had a train to catch at 6.10. Despite the ungodly hour, we still woke up a few minutes before the alarm – it appears our inner clocks are starting to get attuned to the rhythm of the sun.

Bandō station bathed in early
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Day 57: Naps and Needles

Steps: 31.194 (28,0km)

Temples: None

We left our hotel in the mountains relatively late this morning (~8.30am) because we wanted to wait out the last of the rain.

We had only made it a few hundred meters down the road before we were stopped by a group of older people, who had just parked their car to go visit the … Read more

Day 48: An Eighty Year Old Idol

Steps: 37.228 (32,4km)

Temples: 65

With a little help from google-sensei we found our way across (or more accurately below) the interstate this morning and back to the trail. First part of the day was a climb to temple 65, which lies roughly 300 meters above sea level.

On the way back down the mountain we met Koichi-san, … Read more

Day 47: Just Keep Swimming

Steps: 40.010 (35,1km)

Temples: 12 (one of the “extra” temples)

Today was an easy day in the sense that pretty much all we had to do was put one foot in front of the other and walk straight ahead along an even road.

However, our feet and legs felt heavy and by the time we arrived at our hotel by … Read more

Day 40: Under Pressure

Steps: 28.668 (25,7km)

Temples: None

We got a late start this morning as we wanted to have breakfast with our new friends from yesterday, before they hopped on a train to Matsuyama. This also meant that we could buy provisions in some of the bigger stores that didn’t open until 9am (since we’re heading into the mountains, we won’t come … Read more

Day 20: Wear and Tear

Steps: 32.238 (28,6km)

Temples: 29 + 30

Things are starting to break. Our shoes, our egos, our will to live (I’m kidding!). But it is kind of funny how every predefined epoch of this trip seems to happen right on schedule.

Today we reached Kochi (the city) and we.are.knackered. Just like we were supposed to be at this point. It’s … Read more

Day 19: Cream Soda Saves the Day

Steps: 34.296 (34,9km)

Temples: 28

“Today we woke up feeling tired and then proceeded to walk a fuck-ton of kilometers to get to temple 28” could be the description for many of our days here. But today it will have to suffice. I need to put my feet into a tub of warm water now…

Here are some pictures:

Last … Read more

Day 16: Moving Slowly through Muroto

Steps: 18.554 (16,0km)

Temples: 24 + 25

This morning we walked (very slowly) up to temple 24 on top of Muroto cape. Then back down the other side, where we visited temple 25, before entering Muroto proper.

The remainder of the day was spent dragging around Muroto city, which is very small but felt like a … Read more

Day 8: Kōbō Daishi was a Feminist

Steps: 22.454 (18,5km)

Temples: 18

Today was a slow one. Mentally, physically we needed to chill so we spent most of the morning in Tokushima Central Park (where we saw a one-of-the-longest-of-its-kind-stone-slab-bridge!) before slowly venturing south along the highway towards temple 18.

Our feet were tired after two long days of walking so the pace was slower than usual, with … Read more