Day 63: Clear Skies and Filthy Carpets

Steps: 28.469 (26,8km)

Temples: 52 + 53

Beautiful sunny day today, where we walked north out of Matsuyama towards temples 52.

On our way onwards towards temple 53, we had just started looking around for places to eat, when a man waved us over. Turns out the local … Read more

Day 60: Art over Ego

Today we were supposed to take a train back and walk a stretch of the pilgrimage that we did by train on day 44.

However, once we started looking at the train schedule it turned out we would be spending most of the day on trains to get to and fro. Also it is a 20km stretch along a … Read more

Day 59: The Final Mountain Stretch

Steps: 34,579 (32,6km)

Temples: 80 + 81 + 82

Alarm was set for 5am this morning- we had a train to catch at 6.10. Despite the ungodly hour, we still woke up a few minutes before the alarm – it appears our inner clocks are starting to get attuned to the rhythm of the sun.

Bandō station bathed in early
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Day 58: Coming Full Circle

Steps: 31.239 (27,2km)

Temples: 3 + 2 + 1

Today’s walk took us over the last prefectural border crossing of the pilgrimage. Osaka pass crosses from Kagawa and back into Tokushima, and is one of the most pleasant mountain trails we have walked – wide, well kept and with a slow and steady elevation throughout.

It didn’t hurt … Read more

Day 55: Towards Temple 87

Steps: 32.270 (22,2km) (+7,5)

Temples: 84 + 85 + 86 + 87

Temple fatigue is a real thing y’all and at some point I think every pilgrim starts to feel like the temples all kind of blend together and start to look alike.

But then there are days like today when you get to temples that really stand … Read more

Day 53: Train Magic, Ramen and a Minor Panic Attack

Steps: 15.058 / 35.758 (12,3km/30ish km?)

Temples: 83

“Train magic “ is a term Jonas has come up with for those times when we use public transportation to fix logistics around sleeping and/or luggage storage.

When the trail follows the train tracks, it’s sometimes nice to book a few nights in a row near a station, and then use the … Read more

Day 46: A Smile However Forced

Steps: 31.051 (28,6km)

Temples: 62 + 63 + 64

Preparing ourselves for a whole day of walking in the rain, we set out the door with the words “The more annoying you find it, the more you have to smile”.

The more we do this, the more I realize how important your mindset is – especially when it rains. A … Read more

Day 44: Nice Models and Stubborn Dirt

Steps: 25.273 (21,5km)

Temples: 56 + 57 + 58 + 59

It’s been a while since we have seen this many temples in one day. Starting out at Imabari station, temples 56-59 lay equidistant over a 15 kilometer stretch.

58 is a little higher up than the others and was a joy to visit (I always like the … Read more