Day 45: Small Gods

Steps: 35.743 (29,0km)

Temples: 60 + 61

Right before coming here, Jonas read a book called Small Gods (one of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett) wherein it is explained that the minor deities (or “small gods”) loose their power, if people stop believing in them.

So naturally, whenever we walk by a small, seemingly forgotten deity deep in the … Read more

Day 35: Life is Goat

Steps: 35.162 (27,2km)

Temples: None

Just a quick picture update for today – a day consisting of walking 10k, grabbing a quick breakfast at a convenience store, climbing 500m of elevation (in less than an hour 💪), snapping a few shots at the top and tumblin’ back down again …

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Day 11: Beach Day

Steps: 21.505 (17,5km)

Temples: None (but we did have breakfast at a small shrine which was somehow related to temple 22…)

Today has been the first day without any temples. The route from no 22 to 23 is only around 20 kilometers if you follow the main road, but knowing that we were going to be tired after yesterdays mountain … Read more