Day 65: Towards the 88th Temple

Steps: 30.848 (26,8km)

Temples: 54 + 55

Today we started off at Iyo-Kameoka by the sea where we left off yesterday. We had only a small portion of the official route left, and so we took our time and made plenty of small stops along the way.

When we walked by a small shop I couldn’t help but notice the … Read more

Day 5: Down into the River Valley

Steps: 34.107 (29,3km)

Temples: 9 + 10 + 11

Today we started to realize why we haven’t seen that many other henrō on the road so far – we have simply been sleeping in too late 😅 But when we got up at 6.30 today and headed out the door around 8 (as the last ones, mind you) we spent … Read more

Day 4: Learning to Walk and Other Lessons

Steps: 30.303 (24,2 km)

Temples: 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8

Day four ironically started off with us not being able to find temple 4. Luckily our host had suggested we leave our backpacks and pick them back up when we came back to temple 5. As we passed by an old lady walking slowly up the … Read more

Day 3: Back to Shikoku

Steps: 18.979 ( 15,3 km)

Temples: 1 + 2 + 3

A lovely 10 hour nap later we woke up to another day of blue skies in Osaka. After wandering around for an hour in the enormous Osaka station we finally managed to find a bus headed to Naruto-Nishi which is less than one km from temple 1.

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Gearing Up for Shikoku: My Altra Lone Peak Shoes

Welcome to this little series I have decided to call ‘Gearing Up for Shikoku’. In these posts I will write about some of the gear we are testing out in preparation for our trip.

Hiking shoes are a religion. Websites like “Outdoor Gear Lab”, “Gear Junkie”, “Switchback Travel” as well as countless Youtube channels dedicated to the quest of finding … Read more

Brighter Days Ahead

The Danish Government published their plan for the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine two days ago. According to the schedule all who wants should have received their final vaccine by the end of June 2021. This came as a positive surprise for both of us, as we had honestly expected it to take much longer. Maybe, just maybe, if a Read more

Trips we Took: Summer on Samsø

We are leaving for Norway in a couple of days and the weather up there is looking a little grim (9 degrees and all-day rain to be exact). On top of that we are both looking at ten days of isolation due to the Unspeakable Virus, so right now I am feeling extra fortunate that we got to enjoy some … Read more

Trips We Took: Around Öresjö

During our summer holiday this year we went to a cabin in the woods west of Trollhättan in southern Sweden. The cabin has been in Jonas’s family for many years and we have been coming there almost every year since we started dating. The cabin and the surrounding area is one of my favourite places on Earth. A perfect place … Read more