Day 39: Earplugs and Ankle Pain

Steps: 46.289 (38,4km)

Temples: 8 (one of the “extra” temples)

So I had a little cry when I bumped by head into the headboard of a henrō hut this morning – not because it hurt that much, but because my foot keeps hurting and the head thing was just the drop that made the proverbial cup run over.

I’m beginning to suspect I might have sprained my ankle, so secretly I’m very happy Jonas insisted we split the 40k up to temple 44 into two days, so we “only” have to walk 20 tomorrow (but don’t tell him I said that)

Todays trip was entirely too long for both of us, but we made it to our hostel in Uchiko and we met a lot of nice (mainly Dutch) people along the way.

The temple we saw today wasn’t one of the official 88, but one of the “extra” 20, that some chose to visit in addition to the 88. We haven’t been to any of the other extra temples, but since this one was just along the path today, we stopped by to pay our respects (and devour a bag of chips)

The temple is next to a bridge under which Kukai is said to have once spent a long, cold night (That story is also the reason you must always lift your staff when crossing a bridge, in case Kukai is sleeping underneath it).

We’ve spent all evening chatting to a delightful Dutch couple in our hostel, and now I’m bed where a fellow henro has just started snoring loudly above me – if only there was a staff-lifting equivalent for not bothering your fellow sleeping mates in a dorm room. I guess it’s called earplugs.

5 Replies to “Day 39: Earplugs and Ankle Pain”

  1. Yes! Please use earplugs, so yo can sleep all the night. You must need it our lovely daughter 😘
    Lot of good wishes to you from our hot corner in Søfaldet.
    Vi sluttede frokosten herude sammen med Karin og Ole. Karin havde lavet en af sine goe kager.
    Kærlige knus til jer begge!🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

  2. Thanks a lot for your nice comments Jonas and Isa and your link to my blog. And the milkshake was really so lovely. I am sorry to read about your injured ankle and Jonas blisters, not funny indeed. How were you doing today? Today on my last Henro day this year I met Uchida from Tokio. He stayed in the same hostel as you he told and tonight as well. I hope he isn’t the one who is snoring quite loudlly. Anyway he is very kind, I have the impression. It counts for all Japanese. You almost can say: Japanese = kindness, politeness, well mannered behavior.
    Hopefully you both can finish your Henro with many beautiful moments. It was a pleasure to meet you. Kio tsekete . Henk, Netherlands

    1. Hi Henk – Nice to meet you too! Yeah injuries are never fun 🙁 I’m still feeling sore so it will be interesting to see how it goes in the mountains tomorrow 🤞
      Jonas has completely healed again fortunately 🙏
      There was a whole ensemble of snorers last night, so if it was Uchida he wasn’t alone 😂 Luckily we had earplugs so no harm done!
      Wishing you a safe journey home and maybe we’ll meet again on the trial some day – this place is addictive for sure 😇

      1. Thank you very much Isa. I hope your ankle will heel soon. Especially in the mountains. Good to read Jonas is doing well now. Yes Uchida recommend me already a nice minshuku between temples 44 and 45. He wore an orange shirt. So funny. Now I am at the station in Matsuyama. You will arrive here soon walking I suppose. Yeah, who knows we will meet somewhere at the trial again. Anyway if you have to go to Nijmegen for your work, please let me know. It’s very close by. We could have a drink and talk about OHenro of course. Once again good luck. Ganbatte Kudasai 👍🏼🙏😘🇯🇵

      2. Thank you very much Isa. I hope your ankle will heel soon. Especially in the mountains. Good to read Jonas is doing well now. Yes Uchida recommend me already a nice minshuku between temples 44 and 45. He wore an orange shirt. So funny. Now I am at the station in Matsuyama. You will arrive here soon walking I suppose. Yeah, who knows we will meet somewhere at the trial again. Anyway if you have to go to Nijmegen for your work, please let me know. It’s close by. We could have a drink and talk about OHenro of course. Once again good luck. Ganbatte Kudasai 👍🏼🙏😘🇯🇵

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