Day 41: (Not) Learning the Same Lesson

Steps: 23.492 (17,6km)

Temples: None

“This is really testing my patience”, I said to Jonas as we climbed upwards at what felt to me like a glacial pace. Determined to at least not worsen my ankle condition, I carefully placed my foot each time, making sure it was somewhat level before pressing off.

The funny thing is that my “glacial pace” is no slower than the average pace of most other pilgrims we meet. But whereas we tend to go a little faster and take longer breaks, others keep a more consistent pace throughout the day. It all evens out in the end, it’s just a matter of different walking styles, and what you’re used to.

I want to make something clear: I am not trying to win a race here. I am not going fast because I want to get there first or want to complete the pilgrimage in the shortest amount of time. I know there is no price waiting for the first ones to arrive and even if there were we are not competing in that league.

But even when I try to slow down, I am still moving faster than most.

Not because I am better or stronger, no way. I am going fast because I am impatient and anxious by nature and because my brain has somehow convinced me that I can outrun that feeling if I just keep pushing forward. (For a read on how that has previously turned out for me, check out this blogpost from two years ago, where I make the exact same mistake).

I am going fast because I simply haven’t yet learned the lessen: slow and steady wins the race (and keeps you from getting injured).

It’s interesting isn’t it? How we have to keep learning the same lessons in life again and again? I don’t know if I will ever learn this one, but I hope I at least get better at recognizing it, each time it shows up.

Despite my trepidations, todays trip went just fine, and it was a pleasure walking through the mountains in the most beautiful sunny weather.

I did have a few minor heart attacks along the way though – once when I thought we had walked four kilometers in the wrong direction (we hadn’t!) and once when I thought I heard a mamushi (highly poisonous snake) which turned out to be a small stream of water 😅

We made it to Kumakogen by early lunch time where we had some ramen before spending the rest of the afternoon in a park by the lake.

Tomorrow is a big day – we will visit temples 44 and 45, having officially made it over half of the temples! Temple 45 is said to be especially beautiful so really looking forward to that one.

Another big mile stone is that after tomorrow we will have walked more than 1000 kilometers combined. Glacial pace or not, we are moving forward.

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