One Banana, Two Nalgene Bottles and Three Foot Exercises

I recently spoke to a colleague about our trip and he mentioned, that he himself had walked the Camino a few years back. He spoke very fondly of the trip, saying he would never forget it and that it was one of the best things he had ever done. He also mentioned how whenever he put on his backpack from back then, the memories would come flooding back to him. I delighted in his story, which made me even more excited for our own upcoming adventure. He asked all the obligatory questions: Have you “walked-in” your shoes yet? (yes) Have you got a good backpack? (yes) Have you gone for some practice walks (yes, but not nearly enough).

We also inevitably got to the subject of weight, and while he didn’t remember the exact weight of his pack, he did say that the pack had almost become and extension of his body, and that adding extra weight – even as little as a banana – was palpably felt.

So in the spirit of getting realistic about my hitherto imaginary rule of “no more than 9kg!”, we have started to write down – and most importantly weigh – every item we plan to bring with us. The list is a wip, but might be informative nonetheless. Here’s the link (notice that there is one page for each of us)

As you can see we have also tried to do a breakdown into categories, and (unsurprisingly maybe) “gear” takes up the vast majority. Mainly because “gear” includes water, which constitutes more than 2 kg for both of us (more for Jonas because he somehow thinks we’re going to a dessert and thus insists on bringing no less than 2,5 L per day?!). Either way, it’s a big percentage of 9kg.

Another big “expense” is clothes of course, and although we’re cutting down to a minimum, it will be rather cold when we start out, and so we need to bring at least a few layers each. I’m also bringing quite a lot of toiletries. Overall I have been good at finding “solid” options, but since I have sensitive skin and use a lot of speciality products in general, I am adding more weight here than I think most people normally would for a trip like this…

Finally, a little update on my foot situation: It still hurts – it’s not much, but it’s consistent. The foot specialist I saw gave me three exercises to “correct” my standing posture (which was fine overall btw, but it was the only thing she could think of after thoroughly inspecting it). Her conclusion (which fit’s well with my observed symptoms) was that it is an inflammation or liquid build-up underneath my right metatarsal (front foot) pad. I have been diligent about doing the exercises every day since, but I still don’t feel much of an effect, unfortunately…

My secret hypothesis is, that it’s stress related, and that once we get on the road and I’m able to let go of all the planning and prepping, my body will have the time and space it needs to heal. Either that or it’ll get much worse and my foot will fall of. Only one way to find out I guess …

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